V1.0 29/09/22


  • Avada Engine implemented. With this editor more people will be able to make changes to parts of the website without coding knowledge. Blog section will be created upon this.
  • New Recaptcha system (Google’s safety for Forms) implemented. This will prevent spammy bots from submitting form entries.
  • Menu Added (Included same page anchor links) – Some extra work required as it does not work on other locations aside from homepage.


  • Revised WordPress Core code. Removed old and unused entries.
  • Revised SEO format for entries: hiring-services and get-quote
  • Updated SEO audit check (Current score 85 out of 100)


  • Second scrollbar removed. Fix added to extra css page
  • Fixed scroll on Hiring Services section in which under specific circustances the user was not able to scroll down.
  • Fixed plugin compatibility issues reported on console

V1.1 – 29/09/22


  • Google Analytics Implementation for website metrics and marketing related tasks
  • New Icons to buttons on Homepage


  • Expanded menu functionality for desktop and mobile versions.


  • Settings general reset to avoid compatibility issues and remove old code.

Additional Notes

  • With the reset done, some font and color styles may have been altered. Please inform in case you happen to see something that does not look right.

V1.2 – 9/10/22


  • Contact information is now clickable.
  • Beta version of Blog module now available. The design is a mockup with no relevant content yet.


  • Updated client pop-up cards on desktop version.
  • Updated section animations to make them more subtle and consistent with the overall design.
  • Implemented animations on homepage sections for mobile version.


  • Corrected menu behaviour in tablet mode.
  • Fixed menu size in desktop mode.
  • Minor text corrections
  • Fixed menu buttons size

V1.3 – 15/10/22


  • Menu added to production site.


  • Minor text adjustments on sections: quote and hiring services.
  • Deleted text lines that are no longer required


  • Fixed Menu buttons on Tablet version

V1.4 – 7/11/22


  • New phone number added. Ireland Office


  • Updated plugins and core files.
  • Removed images on hiring and quote sections.