Does social media have an impact on job research?

Job research on social media

Companies use social media for talent acquisition, and some candidates write career descriptions to find new job opportunities.

In the recent era, social networks have changed the traditional ways of doing things. These media platforms are no longer used solely to communicate remotely with acquaintances and friends to become today one of the best tools for job research. They allow you to work with a network of contacts – networking – and to have access to possible employment opportunities.

Many companies have entered the digital transformation and recruiters implement digital strategies to optimize talent selection using social networks. Some companies have created surveys on their websites to find out the channels where people find out about their job opportunities. Survey results often point out that people find job openings through advertising on social media platforms and referrals.

Here are 5 aspects to consider when applying for online job vacancies:


Verify the ad is from a real business and their website address is correct.


Keep your profile public.


Avoid having information on controversial topics in your profile. Remember that recruiters review your profile.


Add relevant information from your professional profile in the biography.


Follow the companies’ pages you find of interest.

In conclusion, social media is one of the best channels for job seekers to apply and get new jobs. Most companies have included social networking as a tool to recruit candidates. We hope the 5 aspects we list can be helpful for candidates when applying for job vacancies on the internet.

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